SC Builders
We needed to create a site to hire and retain top commercial construction talent, establish branding for the website that becomes the benchmark for all SC Builders’ marketing communications, and boost repeat business from existing clients.
By developing an evolved Careers section featuring outstanding SC staff to attract talent. We utilize video to allow prospects to hear directly from SC Builders staff.

6 months after launch of new site vs. 6 months before
Increase in Careers section pageviews
Increase in top young hires
Increase in Projects pageviews
Increase repeat business revenue

From SC Builders’ Client

The new website looks AWESOME!!!!! It is honestly, hands down one of the best ones I’ve seen in the past few months. Vibrant, easy to read fonts, easy to move through it, great employee testimonials – I’m using it as an example for a couple clients in the next two weeks. Seriously – great job! I hope you get huge kudos and positive response because I was blown away. And I’ve seen a lot of websites.”
Project Pages
Careers Page
From a Prospective Hire
I was already familiar with SC Builders, but the website made it much easier for me to make the decision—it reinforced my decision. I’ve noticed that other construction companies have unclear or inconvenient websites with hodgepodge information, but I really appreciated your clear user interface. It felt like the content had a natural and logical flow. All the questions I had were answered.
About, Before
About, After
Office Page
Team, Before

Team, After
News Page
Graphic Elements, Buttons