Resources for SMPS Amplify 2024 Attendees

Books on Story
Hero With a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell
What Great Salespeople Do by Bosworth and Zoldan
Tell To Win by Peter Guber
A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink
To Sell is Human by Daniel Pink
Made to Stick by Dan and Chip Heath
Resonate by Nancy Duarte
The Story Factor by Annette Simmons
Creativity Inc. by Ed Catmull (Pixar Founder)

TED Talks on Story
How Great Leaders Inspire Action (start with why) by Simon Sinek
Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown
The Clues to a Great Story by Andrew Stanton (Pixar)
The Power of Storytelling to Change the World by Dave Lieber
The Power of Story by David Lecours

Storytelling Inspiration
Serial Podcast
Get Mortified

Slide Deck from David’s SMPS Amplify 2024 Salt Lake City Presentation


PDF Handout with story outline template
Click here to download
Story outline template

Presentation Colophon
Hardware: Apple Macbook Pro, Keyspan PR-EZ1 wireless presenter
Software: Apple Keynote using dissolve, cube, and magic move transitions
Typography: Adobe Garamond Pro and Trade Gothic from Adobe Fonts

* A / E / C = Architecture, Engineering, & Construction (but you already knew that)
© LecoursDesign 2023